Good lord! forget about actually seeing or speakingwith the doctor! I don't mind seeing the nurse practicitioner when i have a sniffle, but they make it nearly impossible to see Dr. House! His primary nurse is very rude-she would not make any arrangement for me to speak with the doctor. i suggested calling at a certain time, having him call me, anything else. She replied that the doctor does not call or accept calls from patients. Dr. House's bedside manner leaves something to be desired. When ifinally did get to see him, he never even looked at me! He glanced at my chart, mumbled something about ""there is a lot of that going around"", ad wrote a prescription. Yikes! Stay aay-far, far, away!
Pros: appointment wa only 10 minutes behind scheduled time
Cons: poor service, obnoxious, unfriendly office staff