Q Bar used to be one of my favorite places to go out!!The service used to be great and the atmosphere...well, hot!! I went recently with some friends from out of town and even though we had a table reserved, there were other people sitting there. The table was dirty and our bottle service not ready. The new hostess made a very poor impression on all of us. The service was pretty bad, but what really turned us off was the quality of the people. Last summer, when we used to come every other weekend, the crowd was fun!! now it's...ghetto! Do all strippers hang out now at the Q?? Starting with the huge unfriendly bodyguards, whose only business seem to be getting phone numbers, and the chewing-gum hostess, to the dirty tables...horrible!!Whatever Q bar used to have..it's certanly gone to trash. I am sorry; it used to be the hottest spot in NM.