HOT TOPIC is one of those stores in nearby CORALRIDGE MALL that caters to younger consumers in both the decor of the store and it's merchandise as well. Though I consider myself far from a "fuddy duddy", I have to draw the line at HOT TOPIC both for myself and my son as well.
Upon entering this store I am always seized with a type of "panic", whether it be because of the dark lighting or the studded apparel, I always seem to want to leave shortly after arriving.
The prices here are a bit on the scary side as well. While I am not a cheap-skate by any stretch of the imagination, I do draw the line at paying over $20 for a T-shirt. And while we are on the subject of T-shirts....let me just say this. A great deal of the T-shirts sold here would not meet the strict dress codes of local parents beware when buying...your child may only be wearing this in YOUR company and since he/she spends so much time at school related functions, it hardly worth the price to buy just for home usage.
Don't take my word for this store though....check it out for yourself the next time you are at CORALRIDGE mall. Located directly across from Panerra Bread, it is easy to find and quick to navigate. Oh yea...let me know what YOU think of it....I'd love to hear YOUR comment on it!