A year ago I bought a Simon G setting to reset my 1 carat diamond. I was encouraged by the salesperson to trade my diamond for a larger one, however, when they did the appraisal my diamond was appraised at much less than two previous jeweler's appraisals going back ten years. It struck me at the time that something didn't seem quite right and made me wonder if they were attempting to take advantage.
Last week I took a half carat diamond in for an appraisal along with its very detailed GIA description. They appraised the diamond at $7300.00 in writing. With their own appraisal in hand (the one I had just paid them to complete) I inquired about trading up. The salesperson helped me pick out a larger stone, and then asked me to leave my diamond for her supervisor to calculate the trade difference. Today I got a phone call that they were terribly sorry but the appraiser had made an "error" and the diamond was worth thousands less ($3200 less) than they had appraised it for. The supervisor actually quoted her appraiser as saying "she couldn't remember" how she came to that amount.
The appraisals at Hoppe Jewelers are not worth the paper they are written on. After returning home I looked at the appraiser's credentials of AJP. This is an online course that cost $450.00, which explains a lot.