I started working at the Hope Rest Home on July 28th, 2010. Ever since then, to this day September 17, 2010, I, nor my husband, have yet to be paid. She has pushed back the pay period multiple times since I arrived. As of now she owes a substantial amount of money to my family and I, money that is needed for all household expenses such as bills, creditors, etc. She is an unhonest business owner who sees to only her personal needs and not those of employees or residents. Alina Rippy is known to live in a very wealthy area and also drives pricey vehicles at the expense of employees and residents. This “employer/business owner” needs to be stopped. This business has been running in this condition for way too long and the suffering residents deserve better care. Now tell us, would you allow your confused loved one to live in a place like this? Now would you want an owner like this running a business in your community? This needs to end now and WILL be stopped. \r
The Hope Rest Home has officially become… The Hopeless Rest Home. Residents of Eastover, NC and surrounding areas, please pray for the residents and unpaid employees of this business. Together we can stop this. Thank You!