Disreputable Home Insurance Company
fly by night company hires agents to work from home, has reneged on pay and delayed 401(k) for several months, run by totally cheesy group of east coast preppy boys with a National Head of Sales who acts like an Avon lady without the backbone of a lipstick (she's only ever worked for Homesite). Hires agents who were walked from jobs at AAA and Liberty Mutual, has them selling in states in which they are not licensed, directs them to promise early shopper discounts that dont exist. Agents working with the worst IT conditions, VOIP phones where they cannot hear and systems that are constantly crashing. Progressive partnered with them to do homeowners insurance on the cheap. Several agents selling in states in which they are not licensed just to make their quotas (so if you buy from one of them, your policy will be void in a loss). Reputation for not paying out on personal property loss claims. Recent reputation for not being able to cancel policies for NJ customers or refund them for over a week due to IT issues. Extremely unstable systems where quote amount changes from one minute to the next. Steer clear of insuring with this company. I know, I worked for them and voluntary left to keep my reputation in the industry