This is Jacqueline D. Kapple of Middleport, Oh. I'm returning an app. for Home Health Aide employment. I would like 25-30 hrs. per week. I would like to stay w/in a 20-30 mile radious of Middleport. Have had experience. I would like to sign my boyfriend's sister up with your agency after she is released from Rocksprings Rehab. in Pomeroy soon. If I could sign her up, and be her caretaker about 4 days a week that would be awesome. Please either email me @ or call me @ 740-992-3409 anytime to discuss this. I am sending my filled out application and test out to your Guysville office on Wed, Please consider me highly. I am currently still @ speedway but it's getting to be too much, plus cutting hours. Thanks, Jackie Kapple