This beautiful little consignment shop displays its wares with style and class. The owners are quite particular about the goods they accept on consignment, and the inventory reflects that discretion. Home Again is a fun and cheerful place to shop with goods ranging from practical to quirky.\r
Goods are sold at a 50/50 split to the consigner. But consigner beware: read every line of the contract with great care. Pay no attention to what you might be told at the time of consignment; verbal assurances will not modify the contract. \r
Specifically, if you do not return to collect your money within the store's timeframe, the store will confiscate your money. Store management will not call you to notify you if your products have sold; they will not mail you a check; they will not notify you that your time limit is about to expire. They will just quietly pocket your share of the money, effectively raising their commission rate to 100% on your goods.\r
Perhaps you can tell from my review that the store management has declined to pay me my $88 share of sales. The store sold my items for $176. My return: zero.\r
I've heard that a satisfied customer tells 10 friends about his or her experience, while a dissatisfied customer tells 100 friends. This is my outreach to 100 friends. Consigner beware.