After recovering from strep group A-invasive,domestic violence, lucky to be ALIVE- after a complete stranger assaulted me....I also had contracted Reiter's Syndrome, PTSD, arthlagia ...... I ALSO found myself pregnant at age 41-WOW??????? The specialists were excellent, cortisone injections, and meds+a healthy life style helped me in a tremedous manner. I felt like a ""Jock"", after my first injections, and wore a T-shirt stating: ""The Pain Stops Here"", very true! Toooo bad that they thought I broke the narcotics contract, when in reality I was, plain and simple beaten within life and death by my estranged husband. He also liked to destroy everything, including medications, in our household-I never HAD the nerve to tell them. Yet they were great, until the insurance was pulled, due to his misconduct , the Norfolk Ship Yard fired him. Little did I know that not only beaten, in denial (ended up in the ER several times), that I'd loose my insurance, yet got away with my son and life. Thank You-Now without insurance, going to the local ER in a small town has dubbed ME?, as a ""drug-seeker"",-HELP!! Sorry for the run on story, but the Doc's were very professional, and the staff, + compassionate- Suz