Holly B's in the heart of the little town of Lopez on Lopex Island is an essential service to the island and its residents. Everywhere you go on Lopez, people are all talking about Holly B. If you are in a coffeeshop, at a restaurant or a guest in someones house or cabin you'll see signs or hear speak that the baked goods are provided by Holly B.
This is because Holly B's baked good are delicious, creative and top-notch. Step inside Holly B's shop off the planked covered boardwalk, you'll be pleasantly overwhelmed by the heartwarming splendor of fresh baked goods. Samples are laid out on the counter and in racks and bins you'll find big crusty loaves of artisan breads.
In the mornings you'll find pastries and wholesome flakey stuffed puffed goodness to go down with your coffee and juice. In the afternoons you'll also be able to enjoy items like cheesy crunchie tomato baked brusetta and hearty bread loaves to throw into a picnic basket, pack into your bike bags, or take back to your island escape shelter. It's ll good. With a no compete clause in effect on the island, partly because Holly RULES!, you might encounter a shortage of supply, so get tthere early. Prices can be a bit stiff for everyday consumption but on vacation exceptions can be made to keep in the happiness groove. Match Holly B bakery with Vita's few food combinations are better.
Island life is better because of Holly B.