My name is Dr. Cheryl Burke, I am a licensed mental health practitioner and a doctor of clinical psychology. Additionally, I am a nationally recognized relationship consultant, writer, speaker and program developer. My healthcare practice is located in Central Florida. I practice with a holistic approach, which means that I promote wellness in body, mind and spirit using cognitive/behavioral techniques. In addition to my in-office consultation and practice, I also offer consulting services to clients outside of Florida, via telephone. My 3-day maternity workshop(PAHD-I) is presently offered exclusively in Florida. However, other locations are in the works-- based on desire. Please see PROGRAM page for further information and updates. The Prenatal Attachment Healthy Development (PAHDI) maternity workshop includes: bonding techniques to enhance attachment relationship between mother and baby, during and after pregnancy; parenting skills that work; recent research on fetal and child development; positive/effective communication/relationship skills & more! I am also a certified Supreme Court Family Mediator. This consist of assisting couples and families with family and divorce issues. If you have any questions plese call..