Good: Doctor seemed very good - but doctors are only as good as their support staff and policies.. Bad: AS accepts MedCost patients. In 08-08, AS was given the opportunity to sign a rider to its contract with MedCost whereby it would accept patients (un-insurable based on a medical condition and very often breast cancer patients) that were paying to be a part of NC's newly established high risk pool for the un-insurable (Inclusive Health). MedCost is the administrator of the Inclusive Health policy.
AS thought it out back in 08-08 and made the business decision to exclude the Inclusive Health MedCost insur. Improvements: Honesty and accountability.. Other: We as cancer patients (or loved ones of cancer patients) need to advocate for patient rights, safety and continuity of care. We also have a choice of doctors. And if a facility is not sensitive to the insurance needs of a high risk pool (un-insurable because of a medical condition such as cancer) then just ignore the slick advertising and get to the heart of the facility's lack of heart..