Jerrold Hogan is a poor excuse for the head of probation in this town. He is not to be trusted at all and do not believe anything that he tells you because it will be a lie. If you, or one of your family members are on probation in this town, move to another town. Unless, you are certain big drug dealers, who are left alone, you will be harassed by his so-called probation officers, who shouldn't be there in the first place b/c of their past, which involves drugs, stealing, arson and using their authority to threaten others, including women. Jerrold does not care about anyone that is on probation b/c he thinks they are all dirt and beneath him. When he's reminded of all the drugs that are in the rehab places that are supposed to be helping the one's that he sends there, all he can say is, I have to believe in the system. What a joke!! Why doesn't he stand up for what is right and try to change these places or not send anyone to them? I know why, he doesn't care about anything or anyone other than his big fat pay check. That's why!!