Dr. Paul Hoffman is a chiropractor licensed in the state of Missouri. He has been serving North County since 1988. Our goal is to deliver better health by providing patients with advice, help and assistance. We have convenient hours, low waiting times, a nice friendly staff, and we give good results to patients. We enjoy educating and treating our patients and more importantly, helping people.
Dr. Hoffman is a member of several local, state and national organizations within the chiropractic profession. He strives to give his patients the most comprehensive care possible.. *Headaches
*Frequent Colds / Flu
*Leg / Hip Pain
*Hay Fever
*Back Pain
*Sinus Trouble
*Menstrual Pain
*Digestive Problems
*Ear Infections
*Arm / Shoulder Pain
*Low Immunity
*Joint Problems
*Bladder Control Problems
*Neck Pain