I love hobby lobby. They have a huge selection of products and always have great sales. I will be honest, I have a hard time paying full price here because the prices can go pretty high, but when they do a sale, it is great. I am always happy with the sale prices here. A particular instance, I was looking for some faux grapes for my dining room. They had to look real. I couldn't find them anywhere for under $15 for one piece. I stopped in at Hobby Lobby and they had exactly what I was looking for, in multiple colors, on sale for $2.50 per bunch. The regular price was $15! Now that's what I call a sale! From what I have heard, they are owned by devout Christians and follow Christian policies in the store. They are not opened on sundays, even though the rest of the mall is open. They are careful of the items they stock, which I think is good, because I bring my daughter in there all of the time! It is a nice store and I can get lost in the isles for hours!