This is the best public school you are ever going to find! I am SOOO passionate about this school. This school makes wimmers, it makes succesful people! The education here is beyond belief. Part of the reason for this is because the school can really afford it. It is located in a very rich area so the funds are definitly there. Teachers are great, you can really learn from these people. Sports are great, band program is great, science, mathematics, English, History....anything you mention it is the bomb! The students take trips to France or Spain if they are in one of the language programs. BUT! The most shocking of all is the art department! Look around the school like a museum! It is covered in BEAUTIFUL murals. It is because of these murals that the art students were invited to paint a mural in Beijing, China! If you are ever in Beijing, stop by to see some American student's aretwork on a wall in a garden. Recently a trip to Japan was also planned for these kids for the same purpose. This school is definitly worth moving to menlo park for!