Hillary's was my 5th shop, no lie! Not only did I find my gown of my dreams, I found three gowns I liked better than in any of the other four shops! They were honest and did NOT say every dress I tried on was gorgeous, instead pointing out what DID work. They also were really good at identifying my tastes and steering me in perhaps a direction I hadn't considered. In fact my favorite gown was one I didn't choose initially. They have an album of gowns you look through first to make a list of the ones you want to try on. At first I thought this was kind of odd, but I realized that the dresses look way better in photos than hanging on the hanger! They were patient, not forcing me to make my decision immediately. But when I left the shop and thought about it, I decided that no matter what gown I chose I wanted Hillary's to be my bridal shop! I went right back with my mom and ordered! P.S. They have tons of bridesmaids dresses too! And my mom found a dress she likes that isn't a typically ""mother of the bride"" dress. Go! Tell them Michelle on city search sent you!
Pros: The shop is on the waterfront in pretty Plymouth.
Cons: Can't think of one!