Several years ago I had Hildreth wire a new arena with the usual box, lights and outlets. Unbeknown to me they should have used a 20 amp panel and 12 ga wire, nut no, there are only 15 amp breakers. I didnt really know there was a problem until last year when I had an addition put on and none of the contractors power tools would work, and then when I had 4 new overhead lights added, my electrician had to run a new line all the way to the panel, because he said the halide lights were on one circuit and it was over used already. I just came in from fixing a tripped curcuit breaker - again. I plugged in a handyman size air compressor. Nothing else was on - anywhere - not even a light.
The overhead lights work ok, but if I ever want to use this arena for anything which uses power, such as a heat lamps, or even a coffeepot, I will have to re-wire.
Pros: Nothing
Cons: Took me to the cleaners