One star = eh. I think that rating would be kind. Went there for lunch today. Ordered Salmon with goat cheese on flat bread and spinach salad with goat cheese, lima beans and a bacon dressing. Waited a while for the food. When it arrived, well...didn't see any sign of goat cheese on the flat bread but other than that it was OK. No surprise, how do you ruin uncooked food. The spinach salad was a disaster. The salad was wilted and soaked...soaked in the dressing. There were about ten lima beans thrown on top, a toss of goat cheese, and like I said...way too much dressing. Kind of made you choke. Also served on a plate when a bowl was clearly more correct. Saw Chef Hilary in the back and couldn't believe she would let such abysmal food go out of the kitchen. Not impressed with this place at all. Don’t bother.