Higbie's is not a relic of the past but an example of a successful third generation family business. Each generation has offered goods and services to the customer that reflects this area's change from an economy based on agriculture to a more suburban lifestyle. Sid Higbie and Fred Harris became partners in the 1930s when they established an outlet for the local farmers. They stored the local produce before it was shipped by rail to New York City. Grandpa Harris remembers when Union Street was a dirt road. Herds of horses would be guided to the corral located in the field south of Higbie. There they would be loaded onto box cars and shipped to New York City to be used for pulling carriages. When the train station was dismantled, Higbie's became a grain mill operation. Since 1990, Rob Harris has expanded the mill operation to include the production of wild birdseed, as well as feed for any pet imaginable, from a Labrador to a Llama. Throughout the years, Higbie's has also remained a supplier of coal and wood pellets for heating your home. Higbie has its own grass seed blends and fertilizer for the Rochester area as well as split rail fencing. However, the interior of the 1, 100 square foot retail store is always changing.. Wild Bird See & Supplies; Lawn Garden; Fencing; Small Animal Feed & Bedding; Farm Feed & Bedding; Dog & Cat; Horse Care; Pasture & Food Plots; Wood Pellets & Coal; RR Ties.