My boyfriend has lived here for several months and I stay the night 2 or 3 times a week. Tonight (Saturday, 6/28/2008) at 11:30 P.M. the maintence man started banging on the front door like a lunatic. When we got up to open the door, he demanded to be let in immediately to "check things out". Upon questioning him, he had no credentials, was EXTREMELY RUDE, carried only a large wrench, and said my boyfriend would be CHARGED FOR DAMAGES if we didn't let him in ASAP. After shutting the door to discuss it, we let him in and he continued to be hateful. He turned off the air to examine the unit, and I simply said, "it is 90 degrees out, we can't sleep without the air on tonight". He retorted, "well if you be quiet so I can try to fix it, MAYBE you won't have to". I'm sorry, but you show up at the front door in the middle of the night, not knocking, but banging on the door in a scary manner, and then come into the home being hateful? My boyfriend IS A RESIDENT WHO PAYS RENT EVERY MONTH! HE PAYS THE SALARY OF THE HANDYMAN. WE DO NOT WANT YOU BARGING INTO THE APARTMENT ANYMORE THAN HE PROBABLY WANTED TO BE HERE, BUT THAT IS HIS JOB! We were frightened, then irratated by the attitude. A resident doesn't deserve to be treated that way!