I saw the one positive review so I called to ask a question and he VERY rudely cut me off and said ""I have no time for that, you'll have to make an appointment!"" and I meagerly said, ""oh, I... uh... you don't even have time to answer how much you cost to do taxes?"" he replied shortly, "" you'd have to make an appointment!"" I am young and we've always done our own taxes until now we have a rental and it's become too convoluted for us to risk it. So I said quickly, ""ok, so would I just come in and bring everything?"" and he replied with ""no you'd need to make an appointment"" after a few more going back and forth he was incredibly rude and short and had NO time for our 30second call. I don't care how swamped a businessman may be, he needs to be a reasonable HUMAN. I will dissuade anyone I can from his business. I have NEVER been brought near tears in a 30 second conversation with a complete stranger, let alone someone who is supposedly wanting my business.