I stumbled upon this place a while back, so I decided to check it out. After several failed attempts at visiting the store during hours of operation (the owner opens shop whenever he feels like it, which is usually not until the late evening, even though the posted hours indicate otherwise), I was finally able to get in.
The guy's got a pretty good selection of Star Wars figures, I'll give him that much. Unfortunately, said figures are priced well over that of even the greediest of scalpers. Like the previous poster stated, he tried to justify these insane prices by giving his ""life's so hard, nobody appreciates me, I've got a kid to feed, etc."" speech, and he quickly followed that up with a thorough ""I hate everyone who complains about my 300%+ markups"".
Anyway, he had a couple things that I'd been seeking for years, so I foolishly gave in and bought them. Blinded by my desire for these hard to find collectibles, I went back a few times, and I was always appalled by his rude, crude behavior, but I figured I'd just endure it to get what I wanted (I'd been ripped off on eBay, so I saw him as my last resort). He even offered to throw in some weird cartoon p0rn VHS tape with one of my purchases. What the freak?
Anyways, after a time, I came to my senses and realized that I was getting butt slammed on these purchases. I confirmed this fact by checking prices online and calling around. The guy had been hosing me repeatedly. Now, granted, it was my fault for being so stupid as to let him, but it doesn't justify the fact that he was cheating me.
So, I said screw it, and vowed to never go back. Well, the owner of Hobos and Hippies (as I like to call it) decided that this was unacceptable and decided to harass me by calling me several times a day (I made the mistake of giving him my number so that he could notify me when certain items came in). I told him to stop or else I'd notify the authorities, but this didn't help. He continued to call for several months, usually to swear at me, or to ridicule me because of my religious beliefs.
I know this review is too long, but to sum it all up, this guy is a freakin' goon. One whose business practices are absolutely despicable. I would highly recommend you find another source for your collecting needs, as they do exist (I discovered this after doing some research). If you do decide to disregard this review and visit this ""establishment"", please don't bring your kids. The owner is extremely vulgar and has violent tendencies to boot (he once grabbed a baseball bat and threatened to beat a dissatisfied customer).
Pros: None.
Cons: Everything.