This store is located in a remote business park, so call for directions before you head out. The store is open limited hours during the week and during the day on Saturday. The fabrics offered will vary depending on the buying trip the owner makes. The fabrics offered are top line left overs from major upholstered furniture manufacturers in the southern US states. Some of the fabrics are available on bolts that are stored in bins in the warehouse. Many yards are tabled on displays that are stacked several feet high. The outlet offers sales several times a year where scraps from the upholstery firms are offered for several dollars a piece. Lots of free parking is available on the side of the building. Call first for hours of operation. Winter hours are more limited than summer hours.
The comments above were written last year. Since that time, the store has changed their stock and has increased their prices. I think the changes have made the value less attractive and have cut down on the number of times I visit.