Heritage concrete is tearing down and then rebuilding a brick wall behind my complex, and judging a good construction company is not about how much noise they make, especially anytime between the hours of 10:00pm-7:00am, the legal begining/end of the quite time. They were extremely fast and very efficent while the major construction was taking place. As for polite and respectful they were that as well, of course, I didn't tell them to shut up because I felt a sense of entiltlement for an extra hour of sleep!:) but I did need to back up my car and they had a trailer in the way, when asked to please move it, they were apologetic and moved so I could back up. Using words in certain ways can change the worlds outlook on approaching things, so that's why more things get postivley done when we actually think before we speak. Thank you Heritage Concrete for a great job!