This store also advertises to buy gold jewelry.
A while back I went to see what they would pay me for my 14k school class ring. Upon entry in the store
i looked at the display cases and the jewelry for sale. There were three ladies and all were waiting on customers. I continued to look for a board or sign showing the current buy prices for 10k, 14k, 18k gold etc. There was no posting of their buy prices.
So when one of the ladies was done waiting on the customer she had been helping. I asked where the posted buy prices were. That simple question hit a raw nerve with her. She explain that they didn't post or publish buy prices to the public. She said they would examine my ring and make an offer. So I gave her the ring and she briefly examined it, acknowledging it was in fact 14k and made and her offer. I was taken back by how little she offered. She did not weigh the ring and offered no basis for the price.
When I pressed for the spot gold price she may have used and how with out a weight factor how she came up her offer, she became rude and ask me to leave.
She said ""take it across the street...and see what they offer you!"" She was referring to a jewelry shop across from them. The fellow across the street was friendlier but made an even worse offer. Again no published buy prices and no weighing of my ring. These events are from over a year ago but In light of what thePA Precious Metals Dealers law is regarding publishing of buy prices etc. Seller of gold beware. I have since found other gold buying dealers who pay much higher and follow the law regrading posting their prices and what current price of gold is.
Be smart call around this gold buying industry is in major need of reforms!