The most personalized and effective Chiropractic Care in Las Cruces
Helping Hands Chiropractic offers personalized and professional chiropractic care for people of all ages. We offer computerized foot analysis and spinal decompression therapy. We also have a full-time massage therapist on site.Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you with any questions or concerns you may have about your care and can provide you with information about insurance coverage for chiropractic services.We offer a variety of personal and professional care for the following: * Auto Accidents * Neck / Back Pain * Whiplash / Lifting Injuries * Arm & Leg Pain / Numbness * Treatments Throughout Pregnancy * Work Injuries * Headaches * Athletic Injuries * Fibromyalgia * Children / InfantsCall us today and let us help relieve your pain! Please visit our website for more information.