Judy's Book provides an open platform for members to share information and communicate with each other. As such, we do not review or edit posts, except in cases of abuse. Members can call attention to abusive posts by clicking on the "Report" link at the bottom of each review and follow the instructions provided.
Every Judy's Book member agrees to abide by the
Terms of Use (TOU) when they join. If a post or deal is flagged by another user and is found to violate our TOU, it will be permanently removed. (Repeat offenders may also be permanently banned from Judy's Book).
In general (non-legal) terms, Judy's Book will remove posts which:
- Are libelous or factually inaccurate.
- Encourage or further illegal activity (including escort services)
- Use inappropriate language (i.e. swearing)
- Contain Adult content (i.e. porn)
- Are not relevant to the reviewed item (reviews only) or are deliberately posted to the wrong category (reviews or advice).
- Are meant to promote the user's own business or personal activities rather than provide information or opinion (i.e. spam).