Carpenter Ant And Termite Specialist
Termite and Carpenter ant specialist. Bugged by Termites? Carpenter ants? Bed Bugs? Helmick's Exterminating Co. can solve your problem quickly, easily and safely. We will help you come up with the right solutions to your pest problems and realize what you can do to prevent pests from invading your home or office. We hope you'll take the time to see what great services Helmick's can provide you with. Locally owned and operated since 1959. Welcome to our website! We deal with all types of common pest problems: Termites - swarming season every spring. TERMITES ARE SWARMING Insects - ants, bees (except honey bees), wasps, roaches, etc. Baiting systems provided. We provide free inspections for all of the above. FHA and VA inspection reports.