Welcome to Healthy Eyes Optometry! Our Services If you have a red eye or bacterial infection in the eye, you can be treated at our office. If you have diabetes, or experiencing unusual visual symptoms such as flashes of light, or sudden onset of floaters, we have the correct tools and expertise to dilate your pupils and examine the retina to detect any diseases, injuries, or disorders. Comprehensive Eye Exams Not all eye exams are the same. Request a dilated eye exam at least once every 2 years or more often to ensure the inside of your eye is healthy. Fashion Eyewear If you are looking for new styles of eyewear, or just need a nice pair of frames, stop by and check out our Rudy Project sport frames or Oakley's. We are always trying to keep the latest styles in eyewear fashion.. Contact Lens Keep your contact lens materials updated to prevent eye infections and red tinged eyes. There are so many different styles and types of contact lenses, make sure you understand what kind you are getting and why. Please follow the wear time recommended by your doctor and lens manufacturer. Being compliant will greatly reduce the risk of infections. Lasik Consultation When will you be ready for Lasik? Most people are good candidates even if your prescription is extremely high, you will not know until you get a eye exam with a Lasik evaluation. Orthokeratology Good vision without surgery? Is it possible? We say Yes it is! Ask about the C.R.T. contact lens program. It is a great alternative for people who are not ready to have a permanent alteration, such as lasik, on their eyes. Perfect for the child or teenager who is under 18 who can not legally get lasik yet. You will no longer lose a lens while swimming, wrestling, football, basketball, track, soccer, because you will not be wearing one during the daytime and still see great. Financing Sometimes the medical treatment that we require for ourselves or children can come when the economy is bad. It does not necessarily have to mean that we abandon the treatment. Do you need financing for your family's health care expenses? You can apply for a Carecredit card that will enable you to use it like a credit card for all your family's health costs. Carecredit is a credit company that specializes in providing affordability in all types of medical settings from veterinary to cosmetic surgery. Having the flexibility of using a payment plan to split your payments has become common practice in many doctor's offices and clinics. If you have a major credit card, you should have no problem getting approved. Carecredit is used most commonly for Lasik* and Orthokeratology (C.R.T).