Our specialty is in the area of counseling and wellness - that means as therapists we take a creative, holistic (mind/body) approach to helping our clients cope with the many stressors that life brings to them. We love what we do and you will know that when you meet with us!! Our clients particularly value the efforts we take to decrease the stigma of receiving mental health counseling. Isn't it time to make your life better?? That is why we are here!
Are you having problems with anger, anxiety, relationships, your marriage, depression, or an addiction? We want to help you! By browsing through our pages you can learn more about our counseling, psychotherapy, EMDR and hypnotherapy information for wellness solutions. Our links provide information on talk therapy - what is it? There are many types of problems that benefit from counseling and mental health resources, and as you learn how we define good therapy, your experience with us will demonstrate how we apply what we know!