DO NOT GO HERE!! I took my son here twice when he was sick with a stomach virus. The doctor told me to give him some drink called BANa and not to feed him or give him sugar for 24 hrs. I followed his directions and later that night he became very lethargic and his mouth and skin was very dry. I knew he had to be dehydrated so I took him back there and they tried but failed to hook him up to an IV, since it was closing time for them, they pushed uus out the door and said he probably ddnt need to go to the hospital just take him to doctor in morning. I took him to trident and he turned out to be extremely dehydrated and unresponsive and his sugar was very low! If I would have listened to that doctor and just took him home, he would have had serious damage to his organs. also, if i would not have listened to that doctor and gave him the pedialite instead, this would probably not have happend