"Where vision meets provision". Certified Sports Nutrition Consultant Holistic Health Consultant Life Welllness Coach,energy medicine,meditation Sculpt your body. Confidential sessions. Work at your pace to achieve your goals. Get those hormones balance naturally. I work with over 1,000 products and over 14 vendors to meet your needs. Hi,my name is Haydee. I am a certified Holistic Health Consultant,Life Wellness coach and Sports Nutrition Consultant. I have an extensive background of twenty-five years of Assessments,evaluations,case management,goal setting and planning,counseling working as a social worker with all ages and genders in addictions,mental health,HIV/AIDS,department of corrections among others. I am confident that together we can find solutions to your problems . After all it's about living the best life that you can,so let me ask you: Are you living the life you want? Do you have a vision of how you want things to be? Do you have a dream? Do you want to see it come true? Do you have goal s? Are you having trouble reaching them? Or do you even know what you want to do with your life? Are you having trouble with sleeping,anxiety,depression,mood swings or remembering things? Do you want to design your life ? Do you want to design your body ? Do you want to bridge the intellectual and spiritual,to dismantle emotional barriers,to empower your life and release creativity and personal power? No matter the problem from loosing a few pounds,to balancing your hormones,Together,we can make it happen.