This company told me wood gives off less creosote than coal so I'd be ok without a sweep the year after they came. WRONG! They also failed to mention that coal stove are not EPA rated to burn wood. They came here once and swept, completely ignoring steel liner codes in place as the old house has none, and when I called the next year they were too busy to come out saying book in August. That's when they said the first line info. I called the next year to book in August, left a message, and they never called back. I only learned about the false info in first line and steel pipe liner codes this year.
End result is I am now b-12 deficient from low doses of carbon monoxide poisoning, was sick with muscle aches by march. I now take 1000 mcg's of b-12 a day everyday per doctors diagnosis. Turns out carbon monoxide prohibits the uptake of b-12. Doing business with this company is a fine idea... as long as you don't value your health or life.