My sister just commited suicide in the Hart county jail. This is the only jail that would take her due to her medical issues and her past suicide attempts in state hospitals. Im not defending MaRita's decision. I am questioning the ability of the Hart County Jails ability to properly house a mentally handicapped person. She was put in a cell, alone, and left there commit suicide. She should have never been left alone in a cell. The surrounding counties would not take her due to he issues. But hart county did. My question is why?. They told my mother they had no clue about her past suicide attempts, I say, read the damn prisoner profile. Do your damn jobs. Get it togeather or quit and get someone competant enough to run a jail that takes people like my sister in while all the other jails are letting convicted fellons out due to over crowding. The jailer wont respond to anyone, and the jailer who called my mom is a heartless moron. To call a woman, and say, Ma'am, your daughter has been a problem inmate, she is braindead and in the hospital on life support. We suggest you come here today. FIRE THIS MORON. And fire everyone who was involved in this. They are the ones responsible for my sisters death. oh..and did I mention, the judge on the case has decided to resign?..cover up?..I think so. We are in the process of hiring an attorney to sort this matter out. Someone is responsible, for the death of a disabled woman in the care of the Hart county jail. We will find out who.
Cons: incompetance