I am canceling service today! It's a small family owned business and Customer Service is great but I can't trust their employees. A year ago I witnessed the recycling truck transfer its load into the trash truck. I live on a secluded drive and I suspect they thought no one would see them. At that point, I canceled the recycling. Then yesterday I noticed the trash truck was late. No big deal, they did finally pick up late in the afternoon. But my kids came home to find their bikes had been stolen from the end of the cul-de-sac where they get on the bus. My cul-de-sac is outside of town with only 7 houses (mostly retired couples). I can't prove what happened to the bikes but no-one comes back here and details that I've learned from other neighbors all point to a strong possibility. Even an officer told me that Harry's employees had been suspect in a couple home invasions last year. I just don't feel safe with this companies employees.