Kristin Harrington P.C. primarily practices in criminal defense and domestic relations or family law in Farmington, NM. However, she is open to other legal issues that do not fall under those two categories.
Her first two years of practice in law, she enjoyed working at the public defender's office in Aztec, NM. She participated in the development of a probation-like program called Treatment Court which is supervised by District Judge Karen Townsend.
She maintains a positive and professional relationships with local judges, police officers, prosecutors, and attorneys, which helps to achieve fair and just results for her clients.
Legal situations do not tend to be an enjoyable experience and she is sympathetic to that issue. Working by herself, she limits her caseload, which means that she chooses her clients very carefully. Each and every one receives the attention they pay for.
Legal Experience: 6 years
Law School: Texas Tech University School of Law - Texas Tech University
Jurisdictions: New Mexico
Practice Areas:
Criminal Law
Domestic Violence
Accident - Personal Injury