Yarn shop and gathering place for the knit & crochet community of NE Ohio.
Harps & Thistles Yarn Emporium is a yarn shop and gathering place for the knit & crochet community of NE Ohio. Our mission is to create a sense of community and to encourage and promote fiber art creativity in Northeast Ohio. To provide an environment that welcomes all levels of expertise and a product line that supports a wide variety of knitting and crochet projects. To support a learning environment that encourages growth in knowledge and skills. To ensure that our customers, employees and vendors always know how much they are appreciated and valued. Harps & Thistles Yarn Emporium is a specialty yarn shop catering to the fiber needs of individuals who knit, crochet, felt & spin with an additional emphasis on patterns and techniques of Ireland and Scotland. In addition to the sales of yarn and fiber arts tools we also provide beginner classes as well as advanced lessons on the latest industry techniques. Our trunk shows provide a personal experience with new yarns and knitw ear designers while our online presence provides an extension of our shop s experience so non-local customers can take full advantage of our offerings.. Yarn Available in Many Different Weights,Fibers,& Colors - Knitting & Crocheting Supplies - Needles & Hooks - Classes from Beginner to Advanced - Gifts - Gift Cards Available - Shop In-Store or Online at www.HarpsandThistles.com