Oprah and her show have done good things for people, and many positive changes have taken place within the lives of families and individuals. Basically, I have respect for her and think it's great that she has overcome so much in her life.
However the problem with Oprah and her show is the obsession factor. Oprah is obsessed with power and control and some of her fans are just obsessed with Oprah.
I feel that Oprah seems to love herself too much and must always call out her own alms and good deeds. The whole world has to know that she's "fabulous" and does "fabulous things." In reality, in my personal opinion, Oprah has self esteem issues. Because of her past and the abuse she faced, she now needs constant validation and attention. She wants to show the world that (they too) can be like her, and control/dominate the universe and feel empowered.
The problem is that for your average person, Oprah's enormous success, her fame, the fact that she is a multi billionaire and that legions of women and celebrities feel the need to 'worship' her and make her a godlike figure, sets people up for their own hurt and failure. After all, 99% of us are just regular people, trying our best to lead a normal life. We will never be Oprah, or have her cash, and it's unfair that people seem to get confused to think she has set some type of standard. Oprah is not so much the one to blame - it's her fanatical followers that hang on every word she says and gush over everything she does. It's just sad.
For me, Oprah needs to come back down to reality with the rest of the world and remember how hard it can be when you don't have her kind of power and money. And maybe the rest of the world needs to stop putting so much trust and faith in a talk show host. We need to put things in perspective - she's not God. The last time I checked, she didn't walk on water or raise the dead. But seeing the way some people get carried away by her every move, you would think otherwise.