HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE?in every sense of the word!! If you want to feel like garbage and be taken advantage of?go to them. Their cars are such garbage; I wouldn?t be surprised if they got them from L.A. after Hurricane Katrina, since the ones I rented are from 2004. Everyone single one had garbage and grossness in them, they rattled at first start. Had one break down on me, then another. The 2nd time, um, the owner stated ?she is not supposed to go out of the city, so whatever ever happened, she gets what she deserves?. Um, where in the contract did it state that I cannot travel out of Minot???? NOWHERE!!! I was 83 miles and the owner did not want to get help for me, and expected me to sleep out in the middle of nowhere in his car until the next day!! Then to top it off, I just found out they charged me for another week on that very day, even though they charged me 4 days earlier! They make you feel bad for being a customer, have no manners, totally unprofessional, rude and spiteful. Writing to the BBB on them as well!!!