amazing skillful surgeon. up-to-date and experienced. delivered thousands of babies, yet she is not yet 40. excellent physician. also, great human being, very caring. she is an excellent listener and will deliver your baby your way - if you want no drugs, no intervention - that is the way she will go. or, if you are like me, and want total drugs instantly and right away - she will do that too. she is non judgemental and she does amazing sutures - my husband also a doc. watched and was impressed (some use staples - yuck). go see her and she will take amazing care of you as if you are her sister! she will patiently answer all of your questions and will treat you with respect. she is completely up on the latest school of thought about various ob issues - such as premature labour, repeat c-section or vaginal birth after c-section, multiples, group b strep, etc. she also will help you with nutrition too - recomending stores that sell protein powder that is delicious if you are having trouble eating... just a phenomenal person and amazing doctor. she practices at the polyclinic now - and their support staff is not too great - but she is worth putting up with their distant attitudes. elena is amazingly on-time, which i think is a remarkable feat for an ob - certainly not one that i expect... i can't say enough good about her and her heeling abilities. i know that with my two deliveries i wanted things a bit out of the norm, and she did not bat an eyelash, instead she was very supportive. and, she does not have an arrogant bone in her body - which is pretty impressive for a surgeon.