Hancock's is not the fabric store of the past, it's the fabric store of the future. They sell fabric as always, but i guess ten years ago they added home furnishings as well as home decor to the list of items they sell.
Hancock's in Houma has a great line, quite extensive of home decor and funishings, nothing I could ever afford, but they are there all the same. They also carry, I am guessing here, about 100 different patterns of tapestry material to cover that old sofa or chair, one of the reasons I went into there....my dh wants me to cover an old chair with LSU tiger prints. Hancock's is the only place in Houma who carries such, so this was the only logically place to go.
Then what I got at Hancock's was fleece material to make a throw for the guest room in my dd school colors. I also picked up a couple of yards of material to make my son's curtains for his room, something I had been putting off. Of course, I never get the darn discount coupons at Hancock's because I do go in at all the wrong times, but I think it's the 22nd of October for a 40% coupon off of any fabric item.