This guy says he has certifications on his website; however no links on his web page take you to any certifications. PLEASE DO NOT USE HIM! He will destroy you with his pretend method. He uses an antique polygraph machine. NEVER USE ANYONE WITH AN ANTIQUE POLYGRAPH MACHINE.....Washington State is one of the states that does not require certification to say you are a polygraph examiner...ANYONE CAN SAY THEY ARE A CERTIFIED EXAMINER IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON! Antique polygraph machines can be purchased at garage sales, on ebay, etc. Computer polygraph machines have been around since the early 1990's. DON'T BE FOOLED. THIS GUY HAS BEEN BANNED FROM REFERRALS FROM THE LARGEST POLYGRAPH CREDENTIAL AGENCY IN THE U.S. He has had numerous complaints logged against him! Please call or visit the POLYGRAPH EXAMINERS OF AMERICA before hiring ANYONE! A fraudulent examiner can ruin your relationship! Don't let him get away with this! He charged $570 to answer 4 questions, this is twice the price of a legitimate polygraph examiner.