Board Certified With a Specialty in Orthopedics.
Dr. Hammans is a Chiropractor with a specialty in Othopedics and has been treating the Des Moines Community since 1983. Dr. Hammans treats conditions of the spine, including the neck, mid and lower back, along with problems afflicting the extremities, such as shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, feet and hands. He has worked on people suffering injuries from auto accidents, employment and sports, but serves people of all ages, including newborns and retirees. Dr. Hammans is a participating provider with most all insurance compannies and has both the training and experience that most people are looking for.
Conveniently located
Board certified specialist in orthorpedics
Over 30 years of experience
Background in physical fitness and nutrition
Provider for Blue cross, United Health Care, Coventry, and others
Call for an appointment today!