I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to Dr. Hamilton and his staff for their professionalism, their warm care, and their patient work on my behalf. No words can completely show my appreciation, however, what they have done is to give me back the self I was. I only hope this letter can give comfort to others that may be suffering, and may indicate the quality of care and love Dr. Hamilton and his staff provides.
A bit of history: As a child, I had scoliosis. This, already serious spinal curvature, was aggravated by a fall down a flight of stairs. I had begun seeing a chiropractor in Florida. I had consistent, but infrequent back and neck problems, until the fall of, when, after a long trip, the condition suddenly became intolerable. No one seemed to be able to give me answers about the amount of pain I was having, or how I might alleviate it. A neurologist hospitalized me briefly for tests, but she could only prescribe drugs for the pain. Although I was seeing my chiropractor at least twice a week for several months, and despite the fact that he was working closely with my neurologist, neither seemed effective in treatment of my condition. The pain in my right leg became so persistent that I could not go to work, and at one point, I remained in bed for five weeks.
Earlier in the fall, however, before the condition had become so serious, I had committed myself to a move to California. I left Florida in early February. When I arrived here, a friend told me about Dr. Hamilton. By then, I was up to about ten Advil a day, which only slightly dulled the pain in my leg. Worse still, I could not sit for even short periods. I could not take short car trips, and every morning, just getting up from bed was an agony. Despite the fact that I have not had positive experiences with surgery in the past, I was beginning to become resigned to the idea of back surgery. Chiropractic care in the past had not effectively dealt with my problem, but I decided that, before, surgery, I would try one more time.
The day Dr. Hamilton revealed to me the results of my x-rays and diagnosed the condition, I was very upset by his report. Both Dr. Hamilton and his receptionist called to check on me that night. Their concern was a first indication of the warm, caring treatment I would receive from the staff in the coming weeks. Dr. Hamilton outlined a program of treatment and I began working on exercise at home. At first, I felt hopeless – how could exercise, a few back supports, and adjustments alleviate that constant, nagging pain that attacked me whenever I moved, whenever I coughed, or sneezed? On my second visit, one of Dr. Hamilton's staff members said, “expect a miracle.” That was two months ago and I didn’t believe her, of course.
But miracles do happen. A couple of weeks ago, I walked out of Dr. Hamilton’s office, got into my car, and realized that there was no pain. I drove home joyfully, excitedly. I could not believe, all the way there, that no throbbing, shooting shaft of pain ran up and down my leg. For the first time in eight months, I could sit and work at my desk without being aware of that other self, the one who had to move gingerly, as little as possible, to protect herself. As the day went by, I began to sense that I was no longer the hostile, pessimistic person my pain had made me.
And to you who are patients, I say, “EXPECT A MIRACLE!”