No one knows what I have been through the last 3 years with my divorce and child custody with my ex-husband. He put me through a living hell. A friend of mine said I have a friend that knows a lawyer that deals in family law, I'll call and get her number. Her name is Elizabeth Kuhn. I said, "I don't have any money". He said just call her and tell her what is going on, your Ex is nuts and you need help. So, I called her. She was is disbelief as I told her how he made me sign papers and told me that if I didn't I would never see my 4 children again. He knew I did not know the law, nor did I have the money for a lawyer. Oh, and by the way, I walked away from the 23 year marriage, asking for no child support or alimony and three months later he had me in HIS lawyers office telling me to sign the papers stating I am to pay 1200.00 a month child support because I worked 12 hours a day 6 days a week and he had them most of the time. After 2 years of this, Lizz Kuhn walked into my life. I was