having privilege to inside information in regards to this hospital I would highly advise everybody to seek treatment either in gainesville or jacksonville. this probably will save your life! this bit of advice is not out of any vengance but to inform the general public of the risk they would put themselves at. Now onto part two,how is it that that almost every person in this hospital recieved a raise except the CNA'S? I do not mean there so called merit raise which by the way is a total joke. in fact to get this merit raise , if your sick more than five days in one year you can not get this raise.seems to me that working in a hospital your bound to get sick more than the average person.i'll bet the person who came up with this idea got a real nice fat bonusor RAISE! the nurses recieved their merit raise plus a 10% raise. that is one heck of a raise.in all my years of working i never ever got that BIG of a raise.we can go through the list of employees in this hospital and discuss all their raises but i want to focus on the CNA's. the new CNA's just starting out at the hospital got a 10% raise and their still under $8.00. the existing CNA's got nothing!!!! A BIG FAT ZERO!!! PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME ? everyone except existing cna's? even the new head honcho at the hospital got a 30,000 dollar sign on bonus! where is the justice? as hard as the cna's work this is the ungrateful thanks they recieve from their employer.let them try their job for one day. I guarantee you that their would be a change in pay or they would quit. HCA corporation (lake city medical center) need to re-evaluate their way of thinking and take care of the real backbone of the hospital. if unfortunate circumstances put you in a hospital just pay attention to how much a cna takes care of you. a lot! but as i said at the beginning and you have a choice of hospitals,do yourself and your life a favor by-pass lake city!!!\r
Pros: easy exit
Cons: needless procedures by Doctors