H&H Body Shop, family owned and operated, has been in business since 1960. They have continued to provide their customers with the same full-line of body repair and mechanical work. H & H Body Shop is a licensed body shop and has contracted-maintenance for The University of Tennessee and The City of Knoxville. Whether it be assistance with any major automobile insurance claim, an available towing service,or a rental vehicle (while yours is being serviced at H&H), our goal is to help provide customers with better quality service. H&H also offers a workmanship guarantee on all their repairs for as long as you own your automobile.. BODY H&H Body Shop provides high-quality body repair services. We currently have five body technicians and dependable,hard-working employees that have been with our company for 10,20 and even 30 years! PAINT H&H Body Shop has built two state-of-the-art down draft automotive paint booth (CMC) and has two paint technicians,certified by the Dupont Refinish Training Program. MECHANICAL & ALIGNMENT H&H Body Shop currently employs two mechanical/alignment technicians and a frame technician. Our Equipment Includes: • Two Chief straightening and measuring frame machines • Velocity Laser-to-CPU measuring system • The latest Hunter suspension and alignment machine • New Hunter tire changer and road force balancer GM SPECIALISTS H & H Automotive specializes in GM maintenance,repair & diagnosis. We have all of the tools required to make your experience at our repair shop as convenient as possible. Which means there is no reason we nor the customer should have to bring their car to a dealer. We can perform all the diagnostics along with the repairs. We except most extended warranties and will work with our customers as needed. We will check every vehicle for factory recalls & direct them to the nearest dealership. OTHER H&H Body Shop also offers several add-on accessories. Contact us today for more details.