I was looking for an outside door handle for 1994 Firdbird. I went to the Chevrolet dealership and they told me it was not available. They suggested I check junkyards. I called 27 junkyards and no one had a driver's side door handle. The twenty-third junkyard I called was H & E. The lady was polite, helpful and friendly. She told me she could sell me a replacement handle. I had my heart set on an original. She assured me it looked like the original. The part was also warrantied. I called back and spoke with another lady at H & E. I actually called back numerous times still hoping to find an used handle. The workers at H & E never got impatient or short with me. I bought the handle and it is perfect. I was impressed with the amount of time they spent with me just over a $20.00 part. The handle was shipped to me for $5.00. I'll always call H & E first in the future.