I had my son's 5th birthday party there, and although it seems like a great place for gymnastics, the party was very, very disappointing, They told me both sides of the gym would be open throughout the entire party and that no kids would have to wait in line to participate in activities because so many would be going on at one time. Also, they promised me that no classes would be taking place during the party. Additionally they said a party hostess would be there to assist with the party long with the staff and guaranteed that although parents were not allowed inside the gym, the staff was energetic, upbeat and ready to entertain all the children. None of those things were true. Not only did multiple kids complain to me, and all had to wait in line constantly, they seemed fairly bored about 50% of the time. About 20 minutes of the party was wasted on going over about a million rules. Also, three times I had kids come to me crying, and the staff wasn't allowing the kids on all the various equipment, even though I was told they could go on everything. The staff was involved at the most minimal level, and I had to jump in to entertain them and keep them excited about being there. I felt many kids had a so-so time at best. One side of the gym was closed off to the kids, while the other side was open for the party, so the activities were limited. Then they would open off the closed off area, switch sides, and the previous area the kids were in was now closed to them. The reason they had half of the gym closed at a time was that classes were taking place during the party. This was distracting and took away from the kids being able to spread out and play with all the equipment. For $230 - plus I had to provide ALL the food, cake, tableware, music, decorations, balloons, etc. it was a complete rip off. I had just attended a party at Bounce U the day before and it was far superior for less money (and had more kids in attendance). The staff was the most disappointing part, as they acted like they couldn't wait for the ""shift"" to be over, and barely interacted with the children. They also offered no assistance to help clean up or set up, other than cleaning the floor before the next party was in the party room. I have had many venue parties and thought this place seemed like ""Little or My Gym"" for bigger kids, with the bonus of bouncing too. Not at all. Slow moving, uninvolved staff, classes taking place during your party, limited access, lines to use equipment, unhelpful staff and no hostess that I saw. I never even got my son's free t-shirt, not that I want it now. I would never recommend this place for anyone to have a party.